Sex, drugs and meditation

Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll are old-fashioned, as rock 'n' roll received its final blows with 9/11, the financial crisis, climate change and Donald Trump. Excess and lies went out of fashion. The younger generations know better than to believe the song of their elderly...Jaded emotion and despair proved not to solve anything. The younger generation is over the hopeless, lazy and privileged cynicism of the '90s. Simultaneously empowered and nullified as individuals on the internet, contemporary youth is now more constructive and pragmatic, more tolerant and positive. They find partying and casual sex overrated, they valorise day-to-day life on Instagram, they are wisened through the excess and prejudice of previous generations, becoming refreshingly socially conscientious, while the democracy of the internet gives them hope for their small-scale projects to make a breakthrough. They listen to French Touch rather than hardcore techno, opt for sneakers over high heels, choose to let their eyebrow and pubic hair grow, embrace fuller figures, teetotal, validate themselves through yoga and health food rather than getting shit-faced on a Saturday night, are sex-positive enough not to need to constantly prove their worth through sex. This is clearly a mature rejection of the romanticized promise of glamorized emotional abandon and superficial rejection, for a decidedly more sober and realistic lifestyle. Every generation breaks from its previous one and, in an increasingly tough reality, today's generation is clearly questioning the whining, self-absorbed, useless melodrama of generations past.

So, pull your socks up. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll have been replaced by sex, drugs and meditation.


tonchebe said…
always think that epicureanism (insta story) was the transitional stage between hedonism and stoicism. we are definitely going to stoicism after our hedonistic boomers parent show them limit :)
Miriam Galea said…
...Restraint as the inverse of hedonism indeed - retrieving self-control following the freedom from societal control...

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