
Hawn jien. Lura d-dar wara gurnata xoghol. Tnax-il siegha bl-ezatt. Il-Hadd imqaddes. Gurnata minn hajti mohlija. Naf, jehtieg li naqtaghha dil-bicca. Ippruvajt nsib xi hadd jibdilni, imma had ma ried, ghal xi raguni jew ohra. Issa filwaqt li kulhadd il-bahat jew jipprepara biex jistrieh, jien wasalt lura d-dar ha nixpakka bl-energija meta n-nies kollha 'ga hlewha l-lejl li ghadda! Salvaniiiiii.

Is-sema car kristall u l-arja hafifa, imma mohhi nhossu tqil u iebes bl-ghanqbut u snin ta' trab. Inutli tahseb f'dinja stinata.


G said…
So I m working on a short story and came across a difficulty: how the hell do you write Rumpilstiltskin. So what do you do... google it of course.



And there s this deviantart page with the Rumpilstiltskin tag that has some really original and rather inspiring work on it. Nice. Then the "Malta" entry next to "residence" catches my eye. Nice coincidence...

Have been looking for another Maltese artist with style to work on an illustrated mini-novellette/graphic novel type thing. So I tracked you down to this blog :) iva... ghax jien zatat. If you re ever interested in collaborating check out my site www.gordoncalleja.com there s a bunch of old old stories and other drivel and a mailing address there.

Nice work!

We want more Miriam!!! Your blobbing is way too sporadic, more please!
Gustav said…
enjoyed my read, i really did
Miriam Galea said…
Cool I'm glad! :) Will post a new blog soon

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