Simple Life

Even though I attempt, at times, to resist my misanthropic nature, I can't help but think what a sad, even pathetic, state man has put himself in. Because this is our own doing, yes: encroaching nature without any limits and awareness of the complex balance of our ecosystem, to then end up cowering away from the catastrophic consequences of our stupidity. When I write this I blame businessmen, construction moguls, the oil industry and our capitalist market. But, faced with such concrete effects ourselves, I also want to take the blame, to question how I could have acted against this. We all need to, even if it seems hopeless.
Will we resume our "normal" lives with an enhanced awareness, or will we forget all about it after a while? I personally feel I will need time to readjust to a more social life, and at times secretly relish this withdrawal of social pressure and a simplified lifestyle. Hopefully we will be more mindful after this extreme point, but somehow I doubt it.


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